Thursday, March 17, 2011

Links, Links, Links!

Now that I’ve given you the run-down on how I got into Paleo. Here are the websites that have helped me immensely. I decided to start with the websites as its free information and you can decide which books you’d like to read, or not. I’ve tried to label the sites Paleo or Primal so you know what you are getting into. (Primal is a less strict version of Paleo.)

 image creator (scottchan)

Should you follow Primal or Paleo??? Well, that all depends upon YOUR GOALS, what you want to obtain, and what are willing to give up???
What is Primal? Read Mark’s Primal Blueprint 101:
What the quick and dirty? Go to the link above, scroll down and you’ll see the header “Is it Primal?”

*****Now onto the links!*****
Mark also has a wonderful book called “The Primal Blueprint” - read it! That’s where my husband and I started. I love how accessible he makes the lifestyle. I believe he coined the term “Grok”.

I really enjoyed his book, “The Paleo Solution” – READ IT! He even has a sense of humor so it’s a good read. If you search around on his website under “tools” he has a food matrix (no more boring dinners!) and other helpful things to help you get started. Robb Wolf has been featured on many specials, talk shows, etc. Just a couple of weeks ago he was on ABC Nightline.

I love her! She had GREAT meal, snack, lunch, etc. recipes! She is a crossFitter and Mother of 3, if she can make it – so can I! She has a book coming out April 25th (My birthday! Yay! A coincidence? I think not!) :)

 I love the “tough love” they give you. Plus they have a wonderful 30Day plan called the Whole30 plan. However, I think they might make you pay for it now.

Another site I look to from time to time for dinner ideas. I also enjoy their food umbrella (vs. pyramid) BUT they have too many desserts/sweets AND focus on showcasing them as well. I hate sending people to this site because the first images you see are of cookies and cakes…to me it’s a slippery slope because you don’t want to eat too much fruit or sugar because it spikes your insulin. That in turn keeps you in that cycle of craving sweet stuff, not only your body will hold onto unwanted weight/belly fat with. I just think its sending the wrong message. You want to eat food that is nutrient dense, most bang for your buck. I don’t care how you make it, but whoopee pies aren’t going to be nutrient dense. Personally, if I’m going to have a dessert, then I’m just going to go for it and make it my “cheat”.
Side note- I’ve noticed that Whole9 and Health-Bent don’t like each other. From time to time they take shots at each other. It is pretty funny once you figure it out. It is because Whole9 is strict and Health-Bent is lenient with their recipes.  Whole9 also takes shots at Mark Sission/”Grok”/Primal for being less strict than they are. I like that Mark doesn’t get caught up in and and doesn’t fire back. He does his own thing.

We aren’t crazy, we just aren't mainstream!

image creator (jscreationzs)
Other articles that I find informative and nice to pass along to others (especially non-paleos who don’t understand why we eat the way that we do)
The science behind the diet (why we aren’t crazy):
Why grains are not as good as the food pyramid says they are:
Who needs a pyramid? We have an umbrella!:
I also like: I hesitate to send this link to people who are just starting out because there is SO much information (some of it conflicting). Also, there are some people on here who are crossfit haters. BUT it is great to see that there is a wealth of information out there following the lifestyle, crossfit or not.

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