Saturday, February 26, 2011

My first blog post!

Many of my friends have told me that I should start a blog. Mostly about my Paleo and Primal meals and crossfit workouts since I am constantly posting those on facebook. (Perhaps they are tired of seeing it in the news feed and wanted another outlet for me! ha!)

I bounced the idea around for a bit and I've decided to give it a go! I wanted to start with the names that I chose for this blog: "Woman Warrior" and "THAT girl". I chose both for a couple of reasons...

I chose "Woman Warrior" because my given name means "Woman Warrior" so why not run with that? Right? I mean, Mom and Dad couldn't have been TOO far off the map. ;) I am a CrossFitter, I love double unders, box jumps, and suprisingly I'm beginning to love push-ups... but most of all I LOVE to lift heavy. Yes I said it. I'm a lady who loves to lift heavy!

I obviously don't belong in that planet either...(and I'm fine with that)

I struggle with running and pull-ups, among other things, but I will continue to strive to improve my fitness and obtain those skills, I am an Army Wife, a Paleo/Primal eater (80% anyway), and a good friend (or at least I hope so) I love my tribe members (that's friends and family) - I consider myself a warrior.

This blog is not just about me, I believe there is a unique strength that every women should own! I want to inspire other women to embrace it! I want to lead by example! Society has taught women to shy away from pushing ourselves in sports, stamina, and strength. I believe that you can be ladylike and still lift heavy. You can get your nails done and flip monster tires (personally I'd get my nails done AFTER I flip tires, you don't want to mess 'em up). You can look killer in that cocktail dress and you can kill that WOD (that's workout of the day for you non-crossfitters).

As for "THATgirl"...well, ha-ha. My given name also means "bold" (perhaps I've taken the name my parents gave me as a personal challenge?) ;)

I am "THATgirl". You KNOW what I'm talking about. I'm "THATgirl" who breaks out random dance parties. Dancing while doing the dishes, the car ride home, in the isle of the grocery store or especially after a WOD. I'm "THATgirl" who isn't afraid to be silly. I'm "THATgirl" who trips and stumbles on flat ground. Seriously. Flat ground = stumbling, bumbling, tripping, and skipping. You know if that happens I will be laughing at myself. ( perspective...perhaps that's why I struggle with running?) I am "THATgirl" who loves to watch sports and cheer loudly for her team! I am "THATgirl" who is not afraid to try new things or meet new people. New food, travel to new places, try new sports or activities. Not afraid to give it a go! I am "THATgirl" who is silly, klutzy, and not afraid to live life.

I invite you to join me! Well, join me in the dance parties, laughing,  cheering for your team, trying new foods, experiencing life, being fearless thing -  you can skip the whole tripping on flat ground thing.

Anyhow, I plan to post what I eat, how my CrossFit workouts have gone, events and stories, thoughts, etc. I guarantee to have run-on sentences, imperfect grammar, and ramble from time to time. I'm sure there will be sarcasm and (hopefully one day they'll make a special font for that so everyone knows its a joke). And lets all hope I'll remember to use spell check.  This is supposed to be something fun, casual, and learning to love and accept one's self while still striving for self improvement. I truly hope to inspire and lead by example. sooo here goes nothing!

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